Cloud Computing in 2021 and Beyond: Why Businesses Need It (Part 1)

Cloud Computing in 2021 and Beyond: Why Businesses Need It (Part 1)

5. Mai 2021Tags: Keine Kommentare Charlotte Zohner

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For businesses, the cloud means better access to more powerful tools at a fraction of their previous cost. It is currently estimated that some 85 percent of businesses worldwide leverage cloud computing to carry out some or all of their processes. That number will rise to 94 percent by the end of 2021.

In part 1 of our blog series we have a closer look at what cloud computing is and how it improves business efficiency.

What Is the Cloud?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computer system resources via the Internet. This includes services such as servers, databases, software, storage, analytics, and more.

There are two types of clouds that may be leveraged to access these services:

  • Public clouds. Public clouds operate a lot like public web hosting. They’re publicly available and anyone who wants to purchase these services may. With a public cloud, services or resources may exist alongside those of other customers. This represents a secure and economical way to access cloud technology. The tradeoff, however, is that a crowded cloud can stretch resources thin, affecting performance.
  • Private clouds. Private clouds work like private servers. They’re available to only select users and may be offered over a private network instead of the internet. Private clouds are typically dedicated clouds, meaning that the cloud space isn’t shared. There’s only one user or business accessing those resources. This makes them ideal for businesses with robust resource demands or compliance regulations governing data privacy. In contrast to the economical public cloud, however, private clouds require more investment and infrastructure to sustain.

How Cloud Computing Improves Business Efficiency

Cloud computing has gained such widespread popularity because of the many advantages it delivers to businesses. Those advantages include:

  • More scalable functionalities. Cloud computing gained popularity because it’s scalable. Whether a sudden spike in traffic or a rapid expansion of the company’s inventory, a business has the resources it needs to handle everything.
  • Reduced cost of acquisition. With the cloud, a business can start small and scale up. There’s no need to invest in costly technology or infrastructure that might not work.
  • Faster business processes. The cloud takes advantage of automation to improve speed and reduce errors in a business’ most critical operations.

In part 2 of the blog series, we’ll show you 5 best practices for adopting a cloud infrastructure.


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